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Our Advice Video Series For Patients with Heart Disease During COVID-19

Now is an uncertain time for many, with some of us having no choice but to self-isolate in our own homes to protect our health and those around us. With so much speculation as to what people should and shouldn’t do at this moment, the team here at The Keyhole Essex Heart Clinic have created a free COVID-19 essentials video series to help keep you and your family healthy during the remainder of the pandemic.

Our video series covers everything from what the COVID-19 infection is, to whether you should consider having heart surgery during the pandemic. See our useful resources below!

  1. What Is COVID-19?
  2. What Is Your Risk of Suffering from the COVID-19 Infection?
  3. If You Have Underlying Heart Disease You Are at Increased Risk of Developing More Severe COVID-19 Disease
  4. Should I Consider Having Heart Surgery During The COVID-19 Virus?
  5. What Should I Do If I Contract The COVID-19 Infection?
  6. Aortic Valve Stenosis Surgery During The COVID-19 Crisis
  1. What Is COVID-19?

In the first video of our COVID-19 essential advice video series, our expert teams discuss the cause of the virus and how it spreads from one person to another.

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  1. What Is Your Risk of Suffering From The COVID-19 Infection?

It has been proven that, if you are elderly over the age of 70, you may be at higher risk of contracting the virus and even more so if you have hypertension or diabetes. We’re exploring the reasons why in our second video of the series.

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  1. If You Have Underlying Heart Disease You Are at Increased Risk of Developing More Severe COVID-19 Disease

Whether you have hypertension, diabetes or underlying heart disease, you may be at greater risk of developing a more severe form of Coronavirus. However, patients who have “normal” heart function can also develop a severe heart injury as a result of the virus.

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  1. Should I Consider Having Heart Surgery During The COVID-19 Virus?

You may need urgent heart surgery if you have a certain condition such as symptomatic aortic valve stenosis. Learn more about having heart surgery during the COVID-19 crisis.

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  1. What Should I Do If I Contract The COVID-19 Infection?

In our second from last video of our series, we explain what you must do if you have an existing heart condition and you develop COVID-19.

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  1. Aortic Valve Stenosis Surgery During The COVID-19 Crisis

In our last video of the series, our experts explain how we plan to treat conditions during the COVID-19 crisis.

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Our video series is made up of six videos in total, advising people on whether they should consider having heart surgery during the COIVD-19 pandemic, what to do if you contract it and more.

For more information about the impact of Coronavirus, get in touch with a member of our expert team on 0208 064 0535 today.

Get In Touch With Our Expert Team At The Keyhole Heart Clinic.