Atrial Septal Defect
An atrial septal defect (ASD) is a hole in the dividing wall of the left and right atrium. It is a normal development in the foetal heart that allows blood to be diverted from the lungs before birth. In the uterus, oxygen is provided to the foetus by the mother through the umbilical cord. The Foetal lungs are unable to perform this task as the baby develops in the fluid filled amniotic sac. After birth, this hole closes as the lungs expand to as they take over the role of providing oxygen to the new born baby.
What treatment is required for an ASD ?
Occasionally, this hole does not close promptly soon after birth. If the ASD is large, it should be closed in childhood to prevent damage to the circulation and the lungs over time. Sometimes the diagnosis is made in adulthood. If the hole is large, it should be closed. If closed promptly, the long-term outlook is excellent.